Bret Hart Tells Crazy Vince McMahon Strip Club Story, Backstage Talk of More Tension in the TNA Wres

July 2024 · 2 minute read

In today’s WrestleTalk news, a crazy story about Vince McMahon in the early nineties from Bret Hart and talk of more tension backstage in TNA.

Crazy Bret Hart/Vince McMahon Story

On Bret Hart’s most recent podcast with Hornswoggle, the in the earlier nineties.

According to Bret, Vince McMahon got a little intoxicated and was in – quote – “full party mode.” Seeing this, Hulk Hogan decided to play a joke on his boss – convincing Hawk from the Legion of Doom that it would be a great idea to do their Doomsday Device finishing move on Vince McMahon in the middle of the club.

So that’s what they did. Of course, it being the boss, Hawk went a bit light on the clothesline, and the other wrestlers caught Vince on the way down.

But this didn’t sit well with Jim Neidhart – Bret’s then-tag team partner – who turned to the Hitman and insisted the Hart Foundation wouldn’t have pulled their punch. Bret, thinking Neidhart was joking, agreed. But when he turns round after getting a drink, he sees Neidhart bearhugging Vince, ready for Bret to hit him with the Hart Attack.

Not wanting to look like a “powderpuff” (his words, not mine), Bret says he hit Vince with the hardest running clothesline that he could muster. They both fell to the cement floor, hitting their heads as they landed. Vince blearily then turns to Bret and says: “You owe me a drink!”

That’s not the end of the story though.

Years later, after Vince had neck surgery, the boss told Bret he had no idea how he’d injured his neck. Bret reminded him of the clothesline incident, to which Vince replied: “Maybe it was.”

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how the Montreal Screwjob was born.

To hear about today’s big story – the reported tension in the TNA locker room right now – watch the WrestleTalk News above!
